
Disability Insurance Plans

New Jersey Disability Insurance Plans

University Hospital’s Disability Insurance Plans are available to our employees as a form of “income protection” during your time of health transition/recovery.

New Jersey State Temporary Disability Insurance Program

Eligibility: To be eligible for temporary disability, each worker who has a valid claim must have had at least twenty (20) calendar weeks “base weeks” in NJ covered employment in which he/she earned $260 per week or more, or $13,000 in wages during the 52 weeks immediately before the week the worker became disabled.

Plan Highlights
  • There is a seven (7) day waiting period. The waiting week becomes compensable when disability benefits have been paid for the three (3) week immediately following the waiting week
  • Contributory – payroll deductions taken in compliance with State law
  • Employees must use all accrued sick time before receiving benefit
  • Income replacement up to two-thirds of average weekly wage
  • Maximum weekly benefit for 2023 = $1,025.00
  • Maximum benefit = 26 weeks on one period of disability
  • File claims within thirty (30) days of the start of the disability
  • Total Benefit Amount = Maximum amount of benefits payable of each period of disability is one third of the individual’s total wages in NJ considered covered employment paid during the base year or 26 times the weekly benefit amount, whichever is less.

Refer to Plan Description for additional information:
Department of Labor & Workforce Development (nj.gov)

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