When must I elect my benefits? As a new hire, you must elect my benefits within 60 days from date of hire.
When are my benefits effective? As a new hire, your benefits will be effective on the 61st day of employment.
How do I elect my benefits? You must go to myNewJersey website and register. Then you will be able to elect your benefits (medical, dental and prescription plans).
When can I elect benefits if I do not enroll during the first 60 days of my employment? If you have a life event (marriage, birth or adoption of a child, divorce, or loss of other coverage) you can elect coverage within 60 days of that life event with proof or you will have to wait until October during Open Enrollment.
Can I waive my coverage in the middle of the year? Yes, if you have proof of other coverage for you or a family member you can login to your myNewJersey account and waive coverage.
How long can my dependent children be covered under my plans? Your dependent children will be covered under your plan until the end of the year in which they turn twenty-six.
Do I have to contribute to a pension plan? Yes, if you are working 35 hours per week you will see 7.5% of your earnings deducted for the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) which will be sent to the Division of Pensions and Benefits on your behalf and UH will make an appropriation fund payment on your behalf.
If I am part-time do I have to contribute to a pension plan? Yes, if you are scheduled to work less than 35 hours and you earn at least $5,000 you will be enrolled in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program (DCRP) and you will see 5.5% of your earnings deducted and sent to Empower to be managed. You will receive a 3% matching contribution from University Hospital. After 1 year of plan participation, you will be 100% vested, which will allow you access to the UH matching contributions if you are 55 years of age.
Do we have an Education Assistance Program? Yes, if you are a regular employee scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week and have been employed for one full year (temporary or per diem employees are not eligible). UH will reimburse you $3,700 each year for Tuition expenses (books and fees are excluded). If you are a union employee please refer to your union contract.
Do I have a life insurance policy? Yes, the value of your policy is three times your annual salary (PERS), 3.5% times your annual salary (ABP) or 1.5% of your annual salary (DCRP) if you did not request a reduction on your policy or failed to submit requested documents upon hire.
How can I designate a beneficiary for my life insurance policy?
PERS – You would make this designation online using the Member Benefits Online System (MBOS). ABP & DCRP – You would make this designation by completing a paper application which is submitted to the Division of Pensions and Benefits.
Does UH match my pension contributions?
PERS – UH makes an Appropriation Fund Payment to the State after you contribute 7.5%. ABP – UH matches your 5% with an 8% contribution. DCRP – UH matched your 5.5% contribution with a 3% contribution.
What does VESTED mean? Vested is when you would be guaranteed a benefit.
When will I be vested in my pension plan?
PERS – After 10 years of Pension Service Credits and meeting an age criteria, disability status or length of service. ABP – After 1 year of plan participation and meeting an age criteria fifty-five. DCRP – After 1 year of plan participation.
Can you take out a loan from my pension account?
PERS – You can apply for a loan through your Member Benefits Online System (MBOS) after 3 years of plan participation. ABP – You can contact your financial provider and either complete an online or paper loan application. DCRP – There is no loan option.
Retirement FAQs
Will I be eligible for a pension upon retirement? Public Employees Retirement System (PERS): You must have 10 years of Pension Service Credits to be vested with the Division of Pensions and Benefits or be actively employed when you have met the age requirement for either a Service, Early or Veteran Retirement. Alternate Benefits Program (ABP): You must have 1 year of service to be vested and attain age 55 to access employer contributions.
How do I apply for my pension?
PERS – You submit an (online) retirement application through the Member Benefits Online system (MBOS). Processing times 6 months from the application date. ABP – You must contact the Benefits Office and request a (paper) retirement application at least 6 months prior to your retirement date.
What is the effective date of my pension? The effective date of your pension would be the first of the month following your last day of employment.
Can I change the effective date of my pension? PERS members can change their date prior to receiving their first pension check. ABP members can change their date if the original date has not passed. Please note that either of these changes may affect access to your benefits.
When will my benefits terminate when I retire? Benefits (medical, dental and prescription) will terminate at the end of the month after your last day of employment. If your pension benefits are effective the first of the month following your last day of employment you will receive one additional month of coverage. Then your retiree coverage will be effective the next month. Example: If your last day of work is August 15th , our benefits should terminate on August 31st but as a retiree you will receive an additional month of coverage to include the month of September only if you have applied for Pension benefits to be paid to you effective September 1st.
Will I be able to continue my insurance for free? Yes, if you have attained 25 years of service prior to July 1, 1997.
Will I have to pay for my benefits upon retirement? If you attain 25 years of service credit between July 1, 1997, to June 30, 2007, you will pay a percentage of the medical premiums which includes your prescription benefits.PERS members will pay a percentage of premiums based on annualized pension benefit in relation to the cost sharing table. ABP members will pay a percentage of premiums based on half of the last 5 years of average earnings in relation to the cost sharing table.PERS and ABP members will pay the full cost for dental coverage.
Will I lose my accrued time? Your unused accrued vacation time will be paid out to you once your status has changed from an active employee to a retiree provided you have given 21 days’ notice to your supervisor.As a retiree you will be paid ½ of your sick time balance up to a maximum of $15,000 once you submit proof of a withdrawal of at least $1,000 from your retirement account.Float Holidays will not be paid out.
Do I need to do anything to enroll in retiree benefits (medical, dental and prescription coverage) for my family and I? Yes, you will need to go to your myNewJersey account to enroll in your retiree benefits. If you do not have an account, please register using your personal email address and the key code SHBP/SEHBP. If you are eligible for Medicare Part B you must enroll and enter that ID number in your myNewJersey account.
What happens to my life insurance when I retire? PERS – Your current life insurance is valued at 3 times your annual salary and it will be reduced at the time of retirement and that amount will be provided in our retirement quotation if you have 10 years of pension service credits or retired on a Disability, Early or Veteran Retirement.ABP – Your current life insurance is valued at 3.5 times your annual salary and it will be reduced to 50% of your annual salary to only members that are 60 or older with 10 years of pension service credits in ABP.
Will I be entitled to salary increases paid to employees after I retire? As a non-union employee, you would have to be an active employee at the time annual salary increases are processed in payroll. If your position was covered under a union contract, you would have to be an active employee on the date the contract is ratified to be eligible for any retroactive pay.