

University Hospital is committed to providing easy access to the latest employment, benefits and human resources information for the members our workforce. The menu to the right provides links to these important and essential details. Some areas are password-protected and require employees to utilize their employee login credentials.


Important information for University Hospital staff members regarding their employment and benefits.

New Portal Is Here!

New Portal Is Here!

A secure, single sign-on access to the Hospital intranet and multiple sources of Hospital information and services for staff and other affiliates.

Human Resources

Access to general human resources information for University Hospital employees.

Human Resources
UH Medical Staff Resources

UH Medical Staff Resources

General information of importance to our clinical experts.

Ethics and Compliance

Access to information established to define and govern the conduct expected of employees, provide guidance on resolving questions related to business conduct and ethical issues, and means by which employees can report violations.

Ethics and Compliance
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