
Community Oversight Board

The purpose of the University Hospital Community Oversight Board is to ensure that the Hospital is delivering on its mission and the intent of the Agreements Reached Between Community and Government Negotiators Regarding New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry and Related Matters of April 30, 1968, better known as the Newark Accords. The Board also functions to ensure that the Hospital provides a comprehensive health program to the community in the City of Newark (and the region), while providing access to all essential health care services.

Members of the board include:

All mail correspondence should be addressed to:

University Hospital Community Oversight Board Office
150 Bergen Street, Room D-346
Newark, New Jersey 07103

Telephone: 973-972-5286   Fax: 973-972-6943  E-mail: uhcob@uhnj.org

For Media Inquiries,
Please email
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