

One of the key responsibilities of a Level I Trauma Center is the advancement of knowledge in both the basic science and clinical aspects of traumatic injuries. As senior members of the New Jersey Medical School faculty, the medical staff of the Trauma Center also serve as physician-scientists, pursuing answers to complex issues related to the injury and recovery processes.

The Fall 2004 edition of UMDNJ Research, a publication of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey for the nation’s researchers and other interested parties, was dedicated to the topic of trauma research. Included in that edition were several articles written by the members of the Trauma Center’s staff and their colleagues in related departments throughout the hospital/medical school:

Anemia After Injury: Studies in Erythropoietic Suppression
David H. Livingston, MD

Role of the Gut in Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
Edwin A. Deitch, MD

Bringing Palliative Care to the Critically Injured
Anne C. Mosenthal, MD

Using MRS to Predict Emergence from Coma State after Traumatic Brain Injury
Allen Maniker, MD and Frank C. Hillary, PhD

Adrenergic Modulation of Erythropoiesis Following Trauma
Alicia A. Mohr, MD

Preventing Inflammatory Complications of Shock and Trauma
Carl J. Hauser, MD

Epidemiology of Facial Trauma and Associated Morbidity of Mandibular Fracture Treatment
Vincent B. Ziccardi, MD, DDS

Impaired Bone Healing in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Sheldon S. Lin, MD

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