Other Services
Tobacco Treatment Program
University Hospital and Rutgers University Campus are a tobacco free campus as of November 17, 2016, which marks the day of the Great American Smoke Out. As a result, University Hospital is offering quit services to anyone in the community who is interested in quitting smoking. We can help you develop a personalized treatment plan so you can feel confident enough to leave those tobacco products behind!
Who We Are
- Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist (CTTS)
- Mental Health Clinicians
- Doctors
- Group Counseling Session
Ambulatory Care Center
140 Bergen Street C- Level Room 1635
Newark NJ 07103
Every Wednesday 11:30am-12:30pm
- One on One Counseling- By appointment only
Ambulatory Care Center
140 Bergen Street
Newark NJ 07103
- Phone and Email Support
Speak directly to a Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist to schedule appointments or get more information about the program.
Mobile: 973-468-5252
Email: Smokefree@uhnj.org
Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00am- 4:00pm
Contact us today for help with your quit journey!