
Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery

University Hospital is New Jersey’s largest referral center for liver, pancreas, and bile duct (Hepatic-Pancreatic-Biliary) surgical care. Minimally invasive/laparoscopic Hepatic-Pancreatic-Biliary surgery is rapidly becoming the new standard of care in this specialty. University Hospital is one of a handful of centers in the nation performing major Hepatic-Pancreatic-Biliary surgery via laparoscopy. Innumerable Laparoscopic-assisted major liver, pancreas, and bile duct surgeries have been performed at University Hospital, including full right and left lobe liver resections; simple and complex segmental liver resections; body and tail of pancreas resections; pancreatic cyst drainages; choledochoduodenostomies; and biliary reconstructions.

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Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery

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