Thoracic Surgery
The cardiothoracic team performs specialized thoracic surgeries for the treatment of benign and malignant diseases of the chest including treatment for lung cancer and metastasis to the lung. Many of these procedures are performed using the daVinci Robotic System and VATS procedures, or video assisted thoracic surgery. This allows the procedure to be done in a minimally invasive way using small incisions and cameras.
Our team also performs specialized procedures for tracheal diseases including tracheal stenting and reconstruction for tracheal stenosis, as well as thymectomy for the treatment of Myesthenia Gravis.
The team also performs surgical procedures for conditions that can negatively impact daily functioning. These procedures include rib resections for Thoracic Outlet Obstruction, as well as thoracascopic sympathectomy, treatment for hyperhydrosis, commonly known as sweaty palms. Typically patients have a short recovery time and minimal scarring following these types of surgeries.