
Pediatric Neurology

Stephen Kamin, MD, Chief of Service

Epilepsy: (973) 972-5204; Autism: (973) 972-2922; Movement Disorders: (973) 972-2550

The Division provides comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services for neurological disorders in infants and children to age 18 (older patients may be seen in special circumstances). These include neonatal disorders, neuromuscular disorders, metabolic disorders, epilepsy, headaches, movement disorders and behavioral disorders, including autism, learning disabilities and school failure.

Special interests of the division members include epilepsy, autism and movement disorders, especially tic disorders/Tourette syndrome/OCD/PANDAS. Division members engage in clinical and/or basic research in their area of interests.

A comprehensive epilepsy program offers all modalities of treatment including standard and experimental medication, ketogenic diet, vagal nerve stimulation and epilepsy surgery (in conjunction with the department of neurosurgery).

The Autism Center, offers neurological evaluation and treatment of patients suspected to have autistic spectrum disorders, or pervasive developmental disorders (PDD).

The Division also includes heads one of the very few pediatric movement disorder clinics in the country, with a focus on tics/OCD/PANDAS, but with interest in a broad range of movement disorders and metabolic diseases.

Division members also participate in specialty clinics in neurogenetics, neurofibromatosis, and neuromuscular diseases.

Lisa Ford, MD
Carolyn Hayes-Rosen, MD
Xue Ming, MD, PhD
Jayoung Pak, MD

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Pediatric Neurology

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